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Course Description:

This course serves as an introduction to pastoral care and Christian Counseling in the local church setting.  The course texts will analyze issues relevant to Christian Education and Youth Directors and Pastors.  The student will learn how to understand temperaments and use this tool to better assist those who they are called to minister to. The students will learn when to offer counseling and more importantly when to refer for professional services. 

The Course Goals

At the conclusion of this course, each student will achieve a better understanding in the following areas:

  1. The essential qualities of a pastor which incorporates the tool of counseling.
  2. The historical necessity of biblical counseling.
  3. Developing a better understanding of the various issues people may face and how to come along side an individual as they work toward wholeness.
  4. Become acquainted with various schools of psychology and how they relate to or even differ from biblically based counseling.
  5. Understanding the role and importance of the worshiping human heart as a center of counseling model.

Required Text

1.      Personality Plus, ed.   Florence Littauer, Fleming H. Revell, Grand Rapids Michigan

2.      Basic Principles of Biblical Counseling, Lawrence J. Crabb, Jr., Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI

3.    The Psychology of Counseling, Clyde M. Narramore, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids Michigan

4.      Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counseling, ed., Howard Clinebell, Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN

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